Wildcat Traditions
How does one start to document and share decades of tradition and lore, when a school and community have so many stories to tell?
One web page at a time...
Kellogg High School Fight Songs
Kellogg High School is unique in that it has more than one "official" school (figh) song. In fact, it has 5! The stories and origins will be shared here, as we learn more about them. If you have information or stories, please share them with us!
Hail to the Wildcats
Hail to the Wildcats, cheer them along the way.
Onward to victory, we will win this game today.
So give a cheer for the Wildcats,
Long may they reign supreme.
Shout ‘til the echoes ring
For the glory of our team.

Alma Mater
Hail Alma Mater, hats off to you
Ever you’ll find us loyal and true.
Firm and undaunted, always we’ll be
Hail to the school we love…
Here’s a toast to thee.
This song was played/sung at the end of games as a sign of spirit and unity of the student body. It has a similar melody to Hail to the Wildcats.

Light the “K”
(Tune: Wave the Flag)
Light the “K” for Kellogg High School
Come on let’s win this game.
Light the “K” for Kellogg High School
For honor and for fame.
Light the “K” for Kellogg High School
For that means VICTORY
Light the “K” for Kellogg High School
And it will shine for thee.

Come On and Go
(Tune: Go Northwestern)
Come on and go, Kellogg High School
Team, it’s up to you
We’re behind you, cheering, fellas
Come on, Boola Boo (or Boogaloo)
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Go, Kellogg High School
Keep your spirits high
Pass it and throw it!
Sink it and score it!
Win this game for Kellogg High.

Purple and Gold
(Tune: Minnesota Rouser)
Fight, fight, fight for Purple and Gold
Go team go with hearts ever brave and bold
Forever loyal we’ll always be
Kellogg light the “K” tonight
Wildcats fight, fight
Onward to Victory.